Daniel Quiroz

About me

This is me

Greetings! I’m a dedicated PhD candidate at the Cooperstone Lab within The Ohio State University, where my passion lies in the fascinating intersection of metabolomics and genomics. My doctoral journey revolves around unraveling the genomic regions orchestrating the expression of phytochemicals—a mission that fuels my curiosity and intellectual drive.

Software development

My expertise extends beyond the lab bench. I’m an enthusiastic mass spectrometry aficionado and a skilled software developer, and I’ve recently undertaken some exciting projects:

  • MS2extract: I’ve crafted an R package designed to construct in-house MS/MS libraries, facilitating advanced mass spectrometry analyses.
  • PhenolicsDB: I’ve created a specialized MS/MS database, dedicated to the intricate world of phenolic compounds.
  • RGCxGC: My R package streamlines the end-to-end processing of GCxGC-MS data, simplifying complex data analysis.

Data analysis

To delve into my work further, take a look at my repositories, where you’ll find examples of mass spectrometry data analysis, as well as my ventures into microbiome analysis:

Mass Spectrometry


Teaching and mentoring

Beyond my research, I’m deeply committed to the realms of teaching and mentoring. I’m currently serving as a teaching assistant for the DataViz in R, and I find great fulfillment in guiding for the second time. Additionally, I’m a mentor within the Metabolomics Group at Ikiam University, where I’m devoted to nurturing the next generation of scientists.

In essence, my journey is a fusion of scientific exploration, software innovation, and the joy of passing on knowledge. If you share my passion for metabolomics, genomics, or data science, let’s connect and embark on a journey of discovery together!

Recent Publications

  • 2024 - Jefferson V Pastuña-Fasso, Cristian Quiroz-Moreno, et al. Metabolite fingerprinting of Urospatha sagittifolia (Araceae) tubers at different growth stages by multi-platform metabolomics and molecular networking. Microchemical journal (link).

  • 2024 - C. Alfonso Molina, Cristian Quiroz-Moreno, et al.,Bacterial community assessment of drinking water and downstream distribution systems in highland localities of Ecuador . Journal of Water and Health (link).

  • 2023 - Magdalena Dias, Pablo Monfort-Lanzas, Cristian Quiroz-Moreno, et al., The microbiome of the ice-capped Cayambe Volcanic Complex in Ecuador. Frotiers in Microbioloy (link).

  • 2022 - Magdalena Dias, Cristian Quiroz-Moreno, et al., Soil bacterial community along an altitudinal gradient in the Sumaco, a stratovolcano in the Amazon region. Frontiers in Forest and Global Change (link).

  • 2022- Mallory L. Goggans, Emma A. Bilgrey, Cristian Quiroz-Moreno, et. al., Short-Term Tomato Consumption Alters the Pig Gut Microbiome toward a More Favorable Profile. Mirobiology Spectrum (link).

  • 2020 - Cristian Quiroz-Moreno, et. al., RGCxGC toolbox: an R-package for data processing in comprehensive two-dimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Microchemical Journal (link).

  • 2018 - Noroska Salazar, Cristian Quiroz-Moreno, et. al.,
    New advances in toxicological forensic analysis using mass spectrometry techniques. Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry (link).