Omics-based Data Analysis

Daniel Quiroz personal blog

I’ll be brief, this is a personal website to share documentation and useful resources about mass spec, metabolomics, and microbiome metagenomics data analysis. More information about myself, please visit the About page.

Latest blogs

  • ASMS 2024 Material - Useful links and oral presentation slides (Link)

  • M2extract Part 1 - Introduction to MS2extract package (Link)

  • MS2extract Part 2 - Using the MS2extract batch pipeline (Link)

  • MS2extract Part 3 - Behind the curtains of importing MS/MS data (Link)

  • MS2extract Part 4 - Using MSconvert to filter useful MS/MS data (Link)

Latest publications

The most recent publications are:

  • 2024 - Jefferson V Pastuña-Fasso, Cristian Quiroz-Moreno, et al. Metabolite fingerprinting of Urospatha sagittifolia (Araceae) tubers at different growth stages by multi-platform metabolomics and molecular networking. Microchemical journal (link).

  • 2024 - C. Alfonso Molina, Cristian Quiroz-Moreno, et al.,Bacterial community assessment of drinking water and downstream distribution systems in highland localities of Ecuador . Journal of Water and Health (link).

If you are intersted to see the full list of publications, please visit the Abaut page.